In December 2018, Trident completed sea bottom surveys along the route of towage and the site of installation of a wellhead jacket as well as navigational and hydrographic support of foundation pit construction and installation of the wellhead platform installation at V. Filanovskiy field for LLC LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft.
Field operations have been completed in 5 stages. At the first stage in April 2018 bathymetric survey on route of towage of a jacket along the sea section, as well as survey of the site of a jacket installation comprising of bathymetry, magnetometry and sonar survey completed. At the second stage in May-June of 2018 the section of the river Volga and Volga-Caspian Marine Shipping Channel (VCMSC) from Galaktika factory down to the river Volga and VCMSC to the length of 191 km bottom bathymetry survey completed. At the third stage in June-July 2018 navigational and hydrographic support of operations on foundation pit construction for the wellhead platform jacket including bathymetric survey of the foundation pit and spoil dumping area. At the fourth stage in July – August of 2018 navigational-hydrographic support of positioning of the wellhead platform jacket in target position and control of spatial position of the wellhead platform jacket during driving and hydraulic swaging of piles. The wellhead platform jacket was set in target position on July 23, 2018. At the fifth stage in November –December of 2018 navigation and hydrographic survey of back fill of the foundation pit with the wellhead jacket installed including bathymetric survey of the foundation pit.
As a result of coherent actions of CNGS Engineering and Trident the jacket of wellhead was installed and handed over to the Client on time in line with the project schedule.