Company Profile

Found in 2007 Trident Group of Companies provides high-tech and high quality services for the oil and gas industry.

HSE Policy

Appreciating and valuing life of each employee in our company puts HSE principles upfront in every job. 

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Company Profile HSE Policy
IPM of Well Drilling Reservoir Management Conductor Driving Offshore Surveys Pile Driving Grouting Services Well Testing Services Subsea Operations Soil Excavation & Dredging Support Consultancy
Conductor Driving Project for well No.2 Skuratovskaya offshore in the Kara Sea for GAZPROM NEDRA Survey and Navigational Support Project Pile Grouting Project in the Caspian Sea Integrated Drilling Project in the Sea of Azov for Priazovneft LLC Integrated Project Management of Offshore Well Drilling Integrated Well Testing Project for Cadogan Petroleum PLC Participation in Well Stimulation Project Support Services for GMC Limited Equipment Rental Contract IPM Project for Transeuroenergy Project Management of Well Drilling and Testing on an Offshore Field IPM of Drilling and Testing of TAT101 Well on Tatyanovskoe Field